Ist Prigoschin unter den Toten?/Prigoschin an Bord von abgestürztem Flugzeug/Biden Es gibt nicht viel in Russland, hinter dem Putin nicht steckt

Muhhamad Shahbaz


Is Prigoschin one among the dead?

Nach dem Flugzeugabsturz in Russland sind acht Tote geborgen worden. Auf der Passagierliste soll auch Wagner-Chef Prigoschin gestanden haben. Ein der Söldnertruppe nahestehender Telegram-Kanal meldete seinen Tod. Eine offizielle bestätigung dafür gibt es nicht.In Russland ist Angaben der russischen Flugbehörde zufolge ein Privatjet abgestürzt. Am Absturzort konnten bislang acht Leichen geborgen werden, berichtete die russische Nachrichtenagentur RIA. Zuvor hatte die Luftfahrtbehörde Rosawiazija von zehn Todesopfern gesprochen. Auf der Passagierliste für den Flug habe auch Jewgeni Prigoschin gestanden, der Chef der Söldnertruppe Wagner. Offiziell ist aber bislang nicht exceptionalätigt, ob sich Prigoschin an Bord der Maschine befunden hat.Über den Telegram-Kanal "grey quarter" wurde indes verbreitet, der Söldnerchef sei bei dem Absturz gestorben. Über den Kanal verbreiten die Wagner-Gruppe und in der Vergangenheit auch Prigoschin selbst Nachrichten. In dem put up wurde Prigoschin als "wahrer Patriot" Russlands bezeichnet, der durch die Hand von "Verrätern" getötet worden sei.Laut der Nachrichtenagentur Tass befand sich das Flugzeug vom Typ Embraer Legacy auf dem Weg von Moskau nach Sankt Petersburg - der Heimatstadt von Prigoschin und dem Sitz der Zentrale der Wagner-Gruppe. Wenige Minuten nach dem start des Flugzeugs soll der Kontakt zu der Besetzung abgebrochen sein. In der region Twer nahe des Ortes Kuschenkino sei die Maschine abgestürzt. Einsatzkräfte des Katastrophenschutzministeriums und der Strafbehörden seien bereits an der Unfallstelle. Es laufe eine Suchaktion. Laut Luftfahrtbehörde wurden bereits Untersuchungen rund um den Absturz eingeleitet. Demnach hätten sich drei Crewmitglieder und sieben Fluggäste an Bord befunden.

US President Joe Biden would be kept informed of the developments of the abduction, according to a statement from the White House. Biden's statement that he was unaware of what had happened with Prigoschin was cited by the news agency Reuters. He was unsurprised by the reports of his potential demise. In light of this, the US President is said to have been added to the list of leaders in Russia who lag behind Wladimir Putin.Adrienne Watson, the spokesperson for the United States National Security Council, expressed herself similarly. The Russian reports had reached their Behörde. No one would be surprised if it were confirmed, according to Watson.

Recently, a video from Söldner-Anführer Prigoschin that purported to show him in Africa where he and his fighters were taking part in an information operation was leaked online. The authenticity of these recordings could not be independently verified. The Söldners are active in a number of African nations, including Mali.

The Wagner Troop previously fought on the side of the Russian military in the conflict with Ukraine and played a critical role in the destruction of the fiercely contested city of Bachmut.After having repeatedly made false statements to the Russian military leadership in an ever-harmful tone, Prigoschin rose to his feet against them at the end of June. The revolt of his troops, which crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border into Russia and took control of cities like Rostow's southern suburbs, was strikingly silent about Putin. Prior to the Wagner-Chef himself declaring the end of the uprising, Prigoschin admitted that his fighters had advanced up to 200 kilometers into Moskau.

Following a purported agreement with the Kreml, Prigoschin traveled to Belarus in exile. However, reports that the Wagner-Chef and former ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin had returned to Saint Petersburg surfaced as early as July.

Prigoschin spent nine years in prison for crimes like theft, assault, and other offenses until recently. A career as a restaurant owner and caterer followed in St. Petersburg in the 1990s. In addition to having Putin as a customer, Prigoschin also catered to government buildings, earning him the moniker "Putin's Chef" in the process. He is also supposed to be the businessman behind the St. Petersburg troll factories that attempted to exert influence over western nations via social networks.

Prigoschin plans to establish the Wagner-Group in 2014. But he keeps walking away from connecting to the Söldner Truppen. Whoever connected him to the Söldnerfirma Wagner and its interventions in Africa, Syria, and the Donbass was accused by him. Long was the Russian government's lamentation that they were using Wagner-Kampfers against them. Only at the end of September 2022 did Prigoschin admit to having founded Wagner in order to send Söldner from the Donbass and the Arab States to Africa and Latin America. These "Jungs" had developed into a "Säule of the Fatherland."

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